going home alone
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Going Home Alone? Follow These 8 Tips to Stay Safe

Going home alone and walking during the day might seem usual but it would be a different story if it is a night. Many would be concerned about walking alone at night as it might lead to a potential crime.

Therefore, it’s always better to get prepared to avoid something bad happening. For example, you can download a location tracking app, such as Jagat to allow your family or friends to know your location. 

In this article, we’re going to discuss some safety tips for going home alone. Check the details below.

Safety Tips for Going Home Alone at Night

These days, any condition could lead to a potential crime. Therefore, it’s important to stay alert of your surroundings. 

This also applies when going home alone, especially during the night. As such, it’s important to take safety precautions no matter where and when you are alone.

The tips below will help you to prepare yourself and ensure you remain safe until you reach home.

1. Check the Condition of Your Vehicle

The first tip for going home alone safely is to check your vehicle’s condition before start driving. Well, this actually applies to whenever you are going for a ride.

Make sure everything is checked from the gas, tire pressure, brakes, and also the condition of the lights.

That way, you don’t need to worry about running out of gas in the middle of nowhere. Being alone and in need of help for your vehicle might attract some potential crimes.

2. Choose a Busy Route

Make sure to plan your route ahead of time, especially if you’re not familiar with the area. It would also prevent you from getting lost.

Besides, try to always choose a busy route as there are others around you in case you need help. 

Read also: How to Track Kids’ Phones and Keep Them Safe

3. Keep Your Valuable Things

The next tip for going home alone is to keep your valuable things safe. In other words, try to not use too much jewelry that might attract attention.

It is better to keep them in your bag or other storage and put them in your car or else just leave them at the house. Besides, avoid having your phone in your hand as it might lead to a pickpocket. 

4. Don’t Accept Rides from Strangers

This going home alone tip is important for you who walk or take public transportation. Never accept any ride from strangers. 

Don’t ever try to judge someone only by their looks as it might deceive you. As long as you don’t know them, it’s safe to stay away from them and try to go to a crowded place in case they force you.

5. Wear Simple Clothing

Not only do you need to avoid wearing too much jewelry but also flashy outfits. Try to wear something simple that won’t attract strangers’ attention. Besides, wearing simple clothing is also more comfortable. 

6. Save Emergency Numbers

Always keep emergency numbers on your phone, be it the police station, hospital, or even fire station. 

Make sure you can easily contact those numbers when you are in an urgent situation.

7. Bring Self-Defense Tools

As wise words said, better safe than sorry. It’s always recommended to take safety precautions before going home alone, such as bringing pepper spray as self-defense equipment.

You can make it as a keychain in your bag. That way, when something bad happens, you can easily grab it.

However, it’s also important to remember to bring a self-defense tool that you can handle. Don’t bring something that might put yourself in danger as well.

8. Share Your Location with Family or Friends

Don’t go home alone in the dark without telling someone, even if you just need to go out to the nearby supermarket.

You can use a location-sharing app to let your family and friends know where you are. They can also track your location in real time.

For that, you can try using Jagat to share locations with other people. Well, it might seem paranoid, but knowing someone knows your location can help you feel safe.

Read also: How to Import Zenly Data to Jagat in Simple Ways

Using Social Map Jagat for Location Sharing

When it comes to sharing location with others, the Social Map Jagat is a good option to choose with various practical and interesting features. 

If you are familiar with Zenly, the Social Map by Jagat works similarly to that. In other words, the app allows you to track location to even the moving speed. 

Below are some tips to follow for using Jagat to stay safe when going home alone.

1. Allow Location Access Permission to Jagat

If you have connected with your friends on the app, you need to give full permission for location access to the app.

That way, the app can display and update your real-time location to your friends. If you are a new user, this setting will pop up the first time you open the app.

For that, you need to choose the “Always Allow Location Access” option. No need to worry about privacy as you can always change this setting on your smartphone.

2. Turn Off the Ghost Mode

After that, make sure that you have turned off Ghost Mode so that your real-time location can be tracked by your friends. 

A Ghost Mode is a feature that allows users to hide their real-time location so that it won’t be tracked.

Therefore, you need to deactivate this feature when you are on your way alone. As such, other people can still track your real-time location.

3. Update Your Location Accuracy

Accuracy is the main thing when it comes to location sharing on the social map by Jagat. Therefore, you need to make sure to update your location accuracy.

Ensuring you have a good internet connection is one way to improve location accuracy. As such, your real-time location will be displayed to others correctly.

So, those are some safety tips to follow for going home alone, especially during the night. While it might make your friends or family concerned when you are alone, it would be better if you take some precautions.

One of them includes having a location tracking app on your phone, such as Jagat. That way, other people can know where you are.

Download the app for your smartphone on App Store or Play Store now!

Read also: Why Does It Say Location Not Found on Social Map Jagat.io?

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