how to connect with your kids
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6 Simple Ways on How to Connect with Your Kids

Finding how to connect with your kids can somehow be challenging and confusing but you can look for some tips as a help.

For one, you can try using the social map by Jagat to have a more fun and engaging way to stay connected with your children online.

The social map feature by Jagat allows parents to send messages to their children and track their location in real-time. 

Let’s find out more tips about ways to connect with your kids in the following sections.

How to Connect with Your Kids in Simple Ways

There are various ways to connect with your kids. One of the easiest ways is to connect with kids through their interests. 

That way you can gain their trust and the kids are comfortable to enjoy their time with you. Below are other tips you can follow for ways to connect with your kids.

1. Make Time to Share Stories with Your Kids

The first tip on how to connect with your kids is to share stories with each other. Well, they might not always understand your story but you can simplify the story for them.

Following this tip would make your kids think that their parents are giving them attention and making some time for them.

Moreover, allowing your kids to tell stories with you also benefits your children to build active communication skills with other people.

Therefore, try to make time for your kids to share stories with each other, such as during dinner, after school, or before going to bed. 

2. Be Disciplined

Discipline is different from anger, so make sure that you discipline your kids but not just say harsh words with a high intonation.

When your kids are making mistakes, try to discipline them without saying anything unrelated. Try to listen to their explanation first.

That way, you allow them to speak their mind first before actually telling them what is wrong and what should be done.

At the same time, you are trying to connect with your kids and understand their intention. 

Read also: 8 Golden Rules of Netiquette to Build A Healthy Communication

3. Listen to Them

As a parent, you need to build a good and healthy relationship with your kids. In other words, you need to be open for two-way communication.

Therefore, try to be present for them and be a good listener for their stories. They might need someone to talk to but are afraid of being judged or making you get angry.

Children also love telling stories and they need you as their parent to genuinely listen to them. Besides, try not to interrupt them.

Indirectly, this method can also teach your little one to be a good listener.

4. Invite Them for a Discussion

The next tip for how to connect with your kids also includes inviting them to a discussion. You can adjust the topic based on their age.

Allowing your kids to be part of family discussions has many benefits for both of you, especially the kids.

It helps your children practice their critical thinking and build their self-confidence. At the same time, you can also connect with your kids easily.

The discussion doesn’t need to be that complicated. You can just simply include your kids to decide on the paint color for their room or types of extracurricular activities to join.

5. Avoid Overreact 

Being responsive is a good thing but make sure to keep it appropriate for your children. Overreaction isn’t something that everyone loves.

Therefore, avoiding overreacting to what your kids have done is also an important tip to connect with your kids. 

For example, rather than showing an over reaction, you can respond calmly to what they tell you and offer suggestions for what should be done.

Read also: What to Expect from as a Family Tracker App

6. Use Social Map Jagat to Connect with Your Kids Online

These days, there are a lot of crimes that could be dangerous for your children, especially when they are outside.

However, thanks to modern technology that allows parents to track their children. For that, you can use Jagat as an app to track your children’s locations.

The app offers various features that would be useful ways to connect with your kids, such as the In-app Message for chatting. 

Moreover, you can also use the social map Jagat to track your children’s locations in real time easily.

So, those are some tips on how to connect with your kids in simple ways. You can start following the tips above to build a healthy relationship with your children.

For that reason, Jagat app is a great one to try as it offers features both for messaging your children as well as tracking their location.

What are you waiting for? Download the app on App Store or Google Play Store now for free!

Read also: 5 Tips for Improving Public Speaking Skills in

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