Outdoor activity
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7 Physical and Fun Outdoor Activity Ideas for Kids

Staying inside the house for such a long time would definitely bore anyone, especially kids. Therefore, some outdoor activities can be a great escape to get a change of scenery.

Not only that it works best to get rid of boredom, but outdoor activity ideas would also enhance your kids’ growth to be close to nature and explore various things outside.

Moreover, spending time outdoors with your kids would also strengthen your bond with them. That way, you can build a good and healthy relationship in your family.

Wondering what could be a fun outdoor activity to enjoy with your family? We’ve compiled some options that might suit your family.

Outdoor Activities for Kids to Enjoy a Wholesome Moment

There are various outdoor activity ideas you can try with your family. It ranges from simple gardening to a holiday plan. Need a few ideas? Take a look and keep these outdoor activity ideas for the next sunny day.

1. Start Gardening

The first outdoor activity you can try with your kids is gardening. This physical activity can be done quite easily as you don’t need to go far from your house.

You can also use this activity to introduce your kids to various types of plants. That way, your kids can learn while playing.

2. Have a Picnic

Setting up a picnic on a sunny day is also a great way to spend time with your family outdoors. You can have a chat and share moments together after a long and tiring workday.

Not only that it’s a memorable experience with your family but also a moment for your kids to explore their neighborhood. 

3. Go Swimming

If your family enjoys some water activities, going swimming is the perfect choice. This is basically an activity that would move your body, especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle.

Therefore, swimming is also a great outdoor activity idea for adults. There are many benefits of swimming for kids and adults, such as training muscle strength and optimizing the respiratory system.

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4. Set Up a Camp in the Backyard

Going on a camping trip might cost you a lot and need better preparation. Therefore, you can simply set up a camp in your backyard.

You still need to set up the real tent or build a firepit to make it like a real camping ground. That way, you can spend some outdoor time with your family through the night.

5. Play Hide and Seek

The next outdoor activity you can do with your family is playing hide and seek. This game makes you and your kids move around which is good for your body.

This can also be a good opportunity to invite your kids’ friends to play together. That way, they can have fun playing outside.

6. Ride a Bike

Riding a bike with family is also a recommended outdoor activity. Similar to other activities before, this can help you exercise.

As for your kids, riding a bike would be useful for their motoric growth and skills. However, it’s important to choose a safe area away from the traffic for riding a bike.

7. Go to the Beach

Trying to blend your outdoor activity with a holiday? Well, going to the beach is a popular option for this case.

It’s been a classic yet still exciting choice to spend time with family at the beach. It helps you relieve stress and forget about the busy days for a while.

As for your kids, it helps them to explore many new things at the beach while also enjoying the wave and sunset.

Read also: What to Expect from Jagat as a Family Tracker App

Use the Social Map Jagat While Enjoying Outdoor Activity

To further enjoy your outdoor activity with your kids, the Social Map by Jagat could be a great companion. But, how does the Social Map help you with that?

1. Track the Current Location

The main function of Social Map Jagat is to track someone’s location in real time. This is especially important if you go out far from the house, such as to the beach and you need to track your kids.

Other than safety reasons, the Social Map is also a great tool to enhance your outdoor activity with your kids, such as geocaching.

Geocaching is an outdoor activity in which participants look for treasures by using the GPS signal or other navigational techniques.

For that reason, the Social Map Jagat which uses GPS technology could be an option to look and hide the treasures.

2. Upload NOW

Another interesting feature from Jagat is also the ability that allows users to upload photos using NOW.

That way, you can share interesting moments while enjoying the outdoor activity with your kids with other users. 

3. Mark Favorite Places

Looking for a fun and interesting way to keep your memory while playing outdoor activities with your kids? Jagat can cover you with that.

The app comes with a feature that allows users to mark their favorite places on the map to keep the memory.

In the end, we could see how outdoor activity would be beneficial and fun to spend time with your kids. 

Not only that it encourages them to move their body and be physically active, but outdoor activities are also good for their motoric and cognitive development.

In order to make your outdoor activity more engaging and fun, you can use various applications, such as Jagat.

The app comes with the Social Map feature that allows you to track your kids’ locations while enjoying time outside.

Furthermore, it also offers a feature to mark your favorite location on the app. So, what are you waiting for? Download the app on App Store or Google Play Store and enjoy the joy of having outdoor activities with kids!

Read also: Enjoy the Trip to the Fullest with the Augmented Reality on Jagat

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