types of love language
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5 Types of Love Language and How to Know It in a Relationship

Love language refers to ways someone expresses their love and how they receive love. Everyone has different ways of showing the type of love languages they have.

This term is especially popular among young people. It is considered an important thing to know in a relationship. 

Therefore, many people try to know the love language of their partners to correctly show their love.

In this article, we’re going to discuss the type of love languages and help you identify which one is yours and your partner’s. Find out the answer to further help make your relationship last forever.

What is Love Language?

The term love language was first introduced in 1992 by Gary Chapman. He wrote a book titled  The Five Languages: How To Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate.

These days, the term love language is widely used by youths to further describe the way they express love. 

But, what is love language exactly? Love language is the different ways for someone to express and receive love. 

In short, receiving affection that suits someone’s love language would make them feel more loved by their partner as they see their partner being considerate and understanding.

Some people love receiving gifts or surprises from their loved ones. Meanwhile, others feel more loved when their partner compliments them.

That’s how people have different types of love languages. Above all, it’s all done to show love to the loved ones.

Wondering what’s your partner’s love language? Let’s find out the different types of love languages in the next section.

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5 Types of Love Language You Need to Know

Generally, there are five types of love languages. However, it’s important to note that one person doesn’t only claim one love language.

In other words, when someone loves accepting gifts, it doesn’t mean they don’t like receiving compliments.

It just means that one love language is more dominant than the others. Sometimes, people have two dominant love languages. Let’s talk more about the types of love languages below.

1. Quality Time

The first and most common type of love language is spending time together or quality time with a loved one. 

People with this type of love language tend to enjoy a moment together with their partner no matter what activity they do.

For some ideas, below are some activities you can do with your partner to spend time together:

  • Deep talk
  • Watching a movie together
  • Have a video call
  • Go on holiday together

2. Physical Touch

The next type of love language is physical touch. As the name suggests, people in this category express their feelings through physical contact. 

Don’t misunderstand this love language as something negative. Instead, it’s their way of showing affection and sincerity to their loved ones.

Therefore, if your partner turns out to be a physical touch type, you better give them physical contact as often as you could. 

It could be just a simple gesture like a head rub, a hug, being close to loved ones, and holding hands.

3. Act of Service

You probably often hear words saying that action speaks louder than words. This is how the act of service works as a love language. 

Act of service is a type of love language in which someone feels loved through the help, support, and action of their loved ones.

It can be any help and even a small one. For example, offering help to bring their bag, picking up your partner, or offering assistance before being asked.

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4. Receiving Gifts

The next type of love language that might be your partner’s is receiving gifts. It means that your partner loves surprises.

Well, it doesn’t mean that the gift should be expensive or the surprise should be fancy. Instead, it’s a matter of receiving something from loved ones.

People in this category value the special meaning behind the gifts or surprise more than anything. So, if your partner falls in this category, surprising them with a small gift would be great.

5. Words of Affirmation

Last but not least type of love language is words of affirmation. Do you love hearing compliments or receiving positive words?

If yes, then this section is yours. People with this type of language consider positive words as something valuable to boost themselves.

They will feel very special and appreciated by receiving those positive words, especially from their loved ones.

Just a simple saying they are pretty or giving a thank-you note would be great to elevate their mood.

How to Identify Your Partner’s Love Language

You might wonder why you  need to know your partner’s love language. The answer might seem simple but essential to strengthen your relationship.

Knowing the types of love language allows you to express sincere feelings and love to your partner more easily.

There are several ways to find out the type of love language of your partner. Check out the tips below.

1. Know Your Partner

The first and basic step is indeed to know your partner. Find out how your partner expresses their affection to you.

Observe and look at their actions or words closely as they show their affection to you. For instance, do they often give compliments to you or enjoy spending time with you?

2. Observe How Your Partner Responds

The way your partner responds to your words or actions could be a clue to decide their types of love language. 

Therefore, look at how your partner reacts or when they tell you about something. For example, if your partner is very excited when you compliment them, it could tell you that their love language is words of affirmation.

In another case, when they tend to give you physical contact, such as a head rub or a hug, it might be a clue that physical touch is their way of showing affection.

Read also: 7 Best Tips on How to Make a Long-Distance Relationship Work

3. Ask Directly

The easiest way of all to know the types of love language is to ask them directly. Ask them how they want to be treated and what would make them feel loved.

This tip might get difficult if your partner asks you to just observe them instead of answering the question. However, honest and open communication would be helpful for a healthy relationship.

Using the Social Map Jagat to Express Your Love Language

If you are currently in a long-distance relationship, it might be a little bit challenging to identify the types of love language your partner has.

However, rest assured as you can use the Social Map by Jagat to express the love language. This can also be a good act of service love language ideas for long-distance relationships.

Social Map is a feature that allows users to track and know someone’s location as long as they are connected as friends.

For example, you are in a long-distance relationship, and you want to remind your partner about a doctor’s appointment but they don’t respond to your calls or messages. For that, you can use the Social Map Jagat to look at their location. 

Moreover, the Social Map also comes with a chatting feature that allows you to send text, photos, and even 3D emoji bombing.

In conclusion, love language refers to how someone expresses love and wants to be treated or feels more loved.

Using the Social Map by Jagat could be a new and helpful way to show love language in a relationship. 

Interested to try? Download the app on App Store or Play Store now!

Read also: Is My Partner Cheating? Find Out the Truth in 4 Simple Ways

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