how to build positive relationships
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11 Strategies to Build Positive Relationships with Others

Socializing with others has been the main thing about being a human who lives with other people as well. Therefore, it is important to build positive relationships with others. 

It helps you feel happier and more comfortable by having a good connection with people around you. Moreover, it also comes in handy when you need help.

In fact, there are many benefits to having a positive relationship with others, including having people to talk to or for a discussion

So, how to build positive relationships with others? Let’s dive into this article and read it all the way through!

11 Ways to Build a Positive Relationship with Others

Humans are social beings who can’t go a day without the people around them. It’s because humans need others to navigate through life. 

Therefore, it’s a good idea for you to build positive relationships with the people around you to make life easier. Here are some ways you can try to build positive relationships with others.

1. Be Understanding and Appreciative

Everyone actually likes to be valued and understood. As such, the first tip to build positive relationships with others is to appreciate and understand them.

You can start by understanding their character first and considering that everyone deserves respect.

Then, provide appropriate and sincere responses so that others can feel comfortable when communicating with you. As a result, a pleasant relationship will be established.

2. Act Friendly

We can’t deny that it’s much easier to judge someone’s first impression. Therefore, try to act friendly to people around you.

That way, they won’t misunderstand you as someone rude and unfriendly. You can simply say hello or smile at them. 

By saying hello when you meet, others will think that you remember them. As a result, this will make them feel appreciated.

3. Be Honest

Everyone values honesty, right? Therefore, the key to building a positive relationship with others is to be honest with them.

In addition, you should also be more open with others. It makes people feel trusted and can talk to you about anything they want. As a result, others will feel more comfortable being friends with you.

Read also: 3 Best Ways on How to Deepen Friendships & Meet New People 

4. Be Polite

Being friendly to others includes an act of being polite. In other words, don’t talk harshly and be well-behaved.

Moreover, try to control your emotion to stay calm although someone might piss you off. This is an important thing to remember if you want to build positive relationships with others.

Someone who easily lets their emotions overflow tends to be disliked by people and makes those around them uncomfortable.

So, try to calm yourself down when an issue arises and avoid expressing them indiscriminately as much as possible.

5. Don’t Be Selfish and Arrogant

It’s easy to be selfish and arrogant even without you noticing behaving that way. Therefore, you need to pay attention to how you behave.

Avoid behaving excessively that benefits oneself. Instead, try to think and consider others as well. That way, you can build a positive relationship with others.

6. Help Others

It’s not just about needing something when you want it, but you also have to be willing to help your friends when they need help.

Be a good neighbor to them by giving a hand when they need your help because it’s natural for people to help each other. 

7. Give Compliments

Another way to build positive relationships with others is to give sincere compliments to them whenever it is appropriate.

Seriously, who doesn’t love being praised? If someone compliments you, you’re bound to feel happy, right?

Giving compliments to others will make them feel special. So, why not try giving small compliments when interacting with them?

8. Listen Effectively

Have you ever been feeling sad and in need of someone to talk to, so that your feelings can be heard?

Well, others feel the same way too. If someone else shares something with you, be a good listener for them so that they feel valued.

So, when someone is talking to you, show a gesture of listening. Moreover, don’t interrupt their conversation and just wait until they finish speaking.

Read also: 7 Easy Tips on How to Make New Friends in Jagat 

9. Make Others Feel Comfortable Around You

It’s an important tip to make others feel comfortable being around you and talking to you. This is also helpful for you to make new friends.

There are a few things you can do, such as being friendly, smiling, and avoiding intimidating stares.

10. Say the Magic Words (Sorry, Please, and Thank You)

Three words that you should frequently say to others are sorry, please, and thank you.

Apologize when you make a mistake, say please when you need help, and express gratitude when someone has helped you.

By regularly expressing these three words, others will feel more appreciated. It’s also a way to build positive relationships with others.

11. Connect on Social Map Jagat

One last way you can try to build good relationships with others is by adding their accounts on Jagat.

What is Jagat? It is an application that has a Social Map feature. Well, the function of this feature is diverse, and one of them is to let you know about your friends’ locations in real-time.

Once you’ve added your friends’ Jagat accounts, you’ll be able to know their location in detail and in real time.

So, if, for example, one of your friends is at a café, you can chat with them and join them. As a result, this can be a great way to build positive relationships with them.

So, those are 11 strategic ways to help you build positive relationships with others. Among others, using Jagat is a new way for this case. 

There are various features to enjoy on this app from knowing your friends’ locations to sending messages in an interesting way. 

Interesting, right? So, download the app on App Store or Google Play Store now!

Read also: 8 Safety Tips for Going Out Alone and Still Have Fun

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