fun date ideas
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10 Fun Dating Ideas to Liven Things Up & Bring the Romance

Do you want a harmonious and long-last relationship with your partner? One way to achieve that goal is to have unique and fun activities for your date. So, what are fun date ideas that you can try?

Among others, having a karaoke date would be a perfect choice as it allows you and your partner to spend time together while also relieving stress. 

Wondering what else to explore for fun and romantic date ideas with your partner? Let’s take a peek at the list in the following article!

10 Fun Date Ideas to Try with Your Partner

There are various recommendations for fun date ideas that you can do with your partner to get rid of boredom, such as aquarium dates, museum dates, zoo dates, picnic dates, and many more.

So, for you looking for new activities to do with your partner, including those who need good first date ideas, the list below is for you.

1. Karaoke Date

The first fun date idea to do with your partner is a karaoke date. You can have fun singing your favorite songs together with your partner.

It’s also helpful to relieve stress. In fact, this karaoke date can also help you get to know their taste and preferences even better. 

2. Museum Date

If you’re here for good first-date ideas, going to a museum would be a great option. It’s not an extreme choice and also not a boring thing to enjoy together.

This would be even better if you and your partner enjoy looking at something aesthetic. Moreover, a museum date is fairly affordable even for teenage couples.

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3. Aquarium Date

Don’t say you are a fan of sea creatures if you’ve never considered going to an aquarium with your partner. 

Going on an aquarium date is also a popular choice for young people as it allows you to enjoy time together while also exploring marine species.

4. Zoo Date

Still for a fan of exploring animal species, going to the zoo would also be a fun date idea to try with your partner. 

To further enhance your experience at the zoo, you can also try feeding the animals but remember that you’ve had the officers’ permission to do that.

5. Movie Date

Classic but still the most popular choice among young people. This is also especially popular as a fun date idea for teenage couples. 

Moreover, you don’t really need to go to a cinema for a movie date. Instead, you can set up a space at home where you can comfortably watch movies with your partner.

6. Picnic Date

Going for a picnic is also an option for fun date ideas, especially during weekends. It’s a good time to enjoy time together after busy weekdays.

You can go to a nearby park or somewhere where people usually go for a picnic. There are many things to enjoy together at a picnic, such as playing games, reading books, and certainly eating.

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7. Bowling Date

If you’re looking for a sports activity for fun date ideas, you can try bowling that definitely would bring a competitive atmosphere with your partner.

You can compete in points and strikes to knock down those bowling pins with your partner. To make it even more exciting, you can create some rules while bowling together, like giving a reward to the winner or coming up with a penalty for the loser.

8. Go to a Concert Together

The next fun date idea is going to a concert together, especially if you both have the same favorite singer.

You and your partner can engage in various enjoyable activities that are just as fun as other date ideas, such as singing along and dancing together.

9. Supermarket Date

Do you know that going to a supermarket with your partner can be a fun date idea? You might not play some games but buying groceries could be exciting.

Moreover, it helps you and your partner know each other better, such as favorite snacks, your partner’s preference in buying clothes, and how they manage their finances. 

10. Play Online Games

Last but not least, another fun date idea to try is playing online games together. Frankly speaking, you don’t have to be a gamer to enjoy this.

In fact, there are various online multiplayer games available for you and your partner to play. Other than enjoying time together, this is also helpful to practice your teamwork and strengthen your relationship with your partner.

So, those are some fun date ideas to try next with your partner. From the recommendations above, which one do you think would be your favorite dating activity?

To further add fun to your dating experience, you can also use the Social Map Jagat. It offers various interesting features to enjoy and help your relationship last forever.

It allows you to know your partner’s location in real-time, share exciting moments on NOW, and even send cute emojis through emoji bombing.

Interesting, right? So, download the app for your smartphone on App Store or Google Play Store now!

Read also: as an Exciting Online Dating App for LDR Couple

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