going out alone
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8 Safety Tips for Going Out Alone and Still Have Fun

Going out for a hangout might not feel complete without friends. However, you don’t need to worry about going out alone as some tips would help you to stay safe and have fun even though you are on your own.

For one, you can use Jagat to share your daily activities with others. That way, you won’t feel completely alone. 

Jagat is an app that offers a feature to track someone’s location. That way, you can also share your location with your friends or family while going out alone to stay safe.

For more details, read the tips for going out alone to stay safe below.

Benefits of Going Out Alone

Do you know that going out alone actually has many benefits? Yup, even without friends, going out alone isn’t that bad.

Here are some benefits of going out alone for those who want to try:

1. More Relax

Going out alone allows you to stay chill, and relax, and there’s no need to rush as you plan everything on your own. 

Moreover, you have the control to decide the destination places to hang out alone. So, wherever you go, it’s your decision. Adjust it to your personal preferences and comfort.

2. Meet New People

The next cool thing about going out alone is that you can meet new people. No one knows that this might be your chance to meet a significant other, right?

Even though you can still get this benefit when you hang out with friends, the chance of meeting new people is higher when you are alone.

3. Spend Quality Time with Yourself

The most important benefit of going out alone is getting to know yourself better. That way, you have more time to focus on yourself, your needs, and what you really want to do.

This opportunity can also be a good time for some self-introspection or even learning something new to improve your skills.

Read also: 9 Tips for Going to a Concert Alone and Enjoy the Moment

Tips for Going Out Alone

If you often hang out with friends, solo hangouts can be less fun and make you less confident. But, you don’t have to worry about that if you know the tips and tricks.

Here are some tips for going out alone that you can follow:

1. Choose a Comfortable Place to Hang Out Alone

First, choose cozy places to hang out alone that suit your preferences. Decide one that makes you feel comfortable to stay alone for a long time.

For example, if you want to go to a cafe, choose a tranquil place to make you focus and won’t feel awkward sitting alone.

2. Bring Books or a Laptop

Bringing something that will keep you occupied is also a great thing when going out alone. You can bring your laptop and favorite books to accompany you.

A book, laptop, and cafe are a perfect combination for quality time with yourself. For example, you can use this time to get your work done on your laptop.

If you get bored, you can switch to reading the book you bring. These two activities can help you stay focused on what you’re doing without worrying about your surroundings.

3. Focus on Your Plan

While going out alone could easily distract you from the initial plan, you need to always remember and stick to the goal. 

Remember that this activity is all about enjoying your time alone, so try your best not to wander aimlessly. 

Therefore, it’s important to make a plan first although you left some space for your free will.

5. Do What You Love

To make it more comfortable, the next tip for going out alone is to do activities that you love. If you’re into movies, you can go watch some movies alone.

In another case, if you enjoy shopping, you can stroll around the mall and look at something that might interest your taste.

Read also: Going Home Alone? Follow These 8 Tips to Stay Safe

6. Don’t Think of Going Out Alone as Being Lonely

It’s perfectly normal to go out alone and enjoy some quality time with yourself. In fact, it’s needed for your good.

Therefore, it’s important to change your mindset that hanging out alone isn’t the same as being lonely. 

7. Don’t Bother About Others

Usually, one thing that makes people feel insecure about hanging out alone is other people’s perceptions. Sometimes, we’re afraid of being pitied or even thought of as weird.

That’s why not many people want to go or play alone without friends or a companion. In truth, others don’t really care much about what you do, as long as it doesn’t annoy other people.

8. Use Location-Tracking App

The last tip for going out alone is to install a location tracker app before you go, so your family or close friends can track your whereabouts. 

It’s not just safer, but you can also feel comfortable because you won’t be afraid of getting lost or things going out of control. 

And if something happens, your close friend who’s sharing their location with you will know right away and ask for help.

The Benefits of Using Social Map Jagat for Going Out Alone

Are you familiar with the Zenly app? Well, Social Map Jagat got some similar features to that app.

Here are some things that Social Map Jagat can do to keep you company hanging out alone:

1. Share Real-Time Locations

The first benefit is definitely sharing your current location with your friends. So, your friends can know your whereabouts in real time.

But, remember to give the location access permission, so your whereabouts can be updated periodically.

2. Update Status

The next benefit of using the Social Map Jagat is that it allows you to update your status on NOW. It is a feature that lets users share fun moments when hanging out alone. 

Take a photo and share your NOW on Jagat so that other friends can also enjoy your excitement.

3. Mark Favorite Locations

When you’re chilling alone, did you stumble upon a hidden gem? Just mark the spot on the app as a favorite to visit again sometime later. 

Moreover, you can also tag other memorable places as your favorite spots on the social map Jagat.

Those are the tips for going out alone that you can follow. Now, you don’t need to be ashamed or scared anymore if you want to spend some alone time.

The key is to choose a comfortable place, not to think too much about what other people think, and use real-time location tracking apps like Jagat.

The app comes with a social map feature that allows users to update their status on NOW and share their real-time location.

That way, your whereabouts can be tracked by friends, family, or other relatives to keep you safe. What are you waiting for? Download Jagat on the App Store or Play Store now!

Read also: 8 Things to Do to Stay Safe When Staying at Home Alone

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