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11 Safety Tips for Running Alone: What You Need to Know

Do you wonder how you would possibly go as far as running alone without feeling worried? Running solo is indeed one of the great ways to relieve stress. For that, you can use the Social Map Jagat to feel safe and confident about doing it.

It’s understandable that you might be concerned about your safety when you go out running alone, especially if you’ve always trained in a group. 

Fortunately, there are ways to plan ahead by following safety tips for running alone. That way, you can keep yourself safe from any danger including rude people, unseen traffic, and nocturnal wildlife.

So, how to stay safe while jogging alone? Below are some safety tips you can follow – no matter what time you do it.

11 Safety Tips for Running Alone 

We all know that running alone shouldn’t be dangerous but some things are out of our control. Therefore, it is important to at least equip yourself with several safety tips for running alone. 

Below are the tips that you should keep in mind!

1. Do a Little Research

Before starting running alone, it’s better to do a little research to make you know the area you are going to run. This is especially important if you are new to that area. 

In addition, try to look for information on the internet about whether there has been any crime scene on the route you are going to take.

2. Know Your Route

The safety tip for running alone includes knowing where you are going to run to avoid getting lost. Make sure you know where you are before leaving the house.

Further, you can always refresh your memory on your turn-by-turn directions per run or simply bring your smartphone/smartwatch for checking the maps.

3. Run in Busy Places 

The best tip for running alone definitely goes to the choice to run in crowded places. You might want to get some peace by choosing a quiet and tranquil place.

However, it’s not suggested if you never go to that place before or even go alone. Choose a place in which you know where to ask for help or call a bystander.

A town square, city park, pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods, or national park would be a great choice for running alone where you can enjoy the joy without feeling totally isolated.  

Read also: 8 Things to Do to Stay Safe When Staying at Home Alone 

4. Avoid Places with Low Light Intensity

In most cases, the crime scene most likely happens in a quiet place with low light intensity in which people would be less likely to walk there.

Therefore, the best way to feel safe while running alone is to avoid that kind of place. This tip is especially important when you run during the late afternoon or evening. 

5. Avoid Running while Listening to High-Volume Music

It is probably common for most people to wear earbuds while running alone. In fact, it helps us to enjoy some alone time.

However, that would be a problem if you listen to the music at such a high volume. This might hinder you to stay alert to your surroundings. 

Not to mention, if you are running alongside traffic, you might not hear if a car is swerving or honking at you.

The solution for this is to listen to the music with the volume down. That way, you can still pay attention to your surroundings.

6. Stay Attentive and Alert

When you fully enjoy the time of running alone, sometimes it’s easier to zone out. Therefore, it’s best to keep yourself alert.

The danger might come from anywhere, either the speeding cars, other runners, or unlit cyclists. Keep your eye on the road and the route as you go, especially if you are going to a new area. 

7. Bring Self-Defense Tools

Before going running alone, consider bringing low-profile self-defense tools for your safety. It can be as simple as pepper spray that you can make at home or Cardsharp2 Credit Card Knife.

Those tools would be useful tools when you face something bad, such as a wildlife encounter or a threatening human. Besides, it also helps you boost your sense of safety.

8. Add Some Bling

The danger of jogging can also come from the traffic, especially if you are in heavy traffic. 

For that, it’s suggested to wear bright or high-vision color clothes, like neon orange or yellow to help drivers notice you. 

Avoid wearing dark clothes, especially if you’re running at night. Moreover, you need to make sure that either your shoes or clothes have a reflective element on the front and on the back.

Read also: 8 Useful Train Travel Tips for First-Time Solo Explorers 

9. Save Emergency Numbers

The next helpful tip for running alone is to keep emergency numbers on your phone and make sure that you won’t run out of battery.

These emergency numbers would be important in case of emergency as you can easily contact them with one single click.

10. Let Your Friends or Family Know

Ensuring that someone knows or has your location might sound simple but greatly effective for your safety.

Make sure that either your friends or family know where you are going and don’t go out without anyone knowing.

11. Use the Social Map by Jagat App

As mentioned before that you need to make sure someone has your location, the best safety tip for running alone is to use a tracker app.

For that, you can use the Social Map by Jagat. It is a feature that allows users to track someone’s location in real-time. 

When you go out running alone, you can tell your friends or family about that. Then, they can track you through the Social Map Jagat.

In this case, it’s also recommended that you turn on the Ghost mode for users other than your close friends or family.

This is to ensure that your location won’t be tracked by other users and only those you allow can see your real-time location.

In addition to that, Jagat also comes with interesting features to accompany your run. It comes with NOW, a feature that allows you to share photos with other users. 

Besides, you can also mark the location on Social Map. For example, you found a nice jogging location and you can mark the place in this app.

Well, those are some essential safety tips for running alone to let you enjoy the joy to the fullest. As mentioned above, you can have the Jagat app on your phone for your safety. 

Interesting, right? If you are looking forward to using Jagat, download the app on Google Play Store or App Store now!

Read also: 7 Essential Remote Working Tips to Boost Productivity

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