jagatio official launch
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Officially Launched: Jagat.io Brings Future Capital Nusantara in Virtual World

Perksman, initiated by MAJA Labs, is presented as a local Indonesian superhero, which is inspired by the paper puppet Perkasa by Bagong Soebardjo.

Perkasa tells the story of a man named Teguh who is a sports teacher and saves children from distractions. However, he falls and is trapped. At that moment, Teguh sees a light emanating and it penetrates his body. Soon after, Teguh turns into a mighty incarnation of the sun.

Helping Bagong Soebardjo Develop an Art Studio

According to Adrian Zakhary, the Founder of MAJA Labs, Perksman NFT aims to help the creator of Perkasa, Bagong Soebardjo.

“We created this Perksman NFT to help an artist from Jogja. He is a fairy tale puppet artist named Mr. Bagong. We want to help him develop his art studio,” said Adrian Zakhary. The proceeds from the Perksman NFT sale will be used to help Mr. Bagong build his art studio.

Launched in the Metaverse of Anak Bangsa, Jagat.io

Jagat.io is a next-gen social media platform that connects users to a mobile and web-based immersive virtual world. Along with the mission of becoming a virtual place for creation, innovation, and interaction, Jagat.io presents a variety of virtual public spaces that resemble real-world governance.

The platform also exhibits various interaction features inspired by daily activities. From creating avatars according to personal preferences, watching movies, playing in-app games, and designing houses (spaces) to holding online events, Jagat.io opens up infinite opportunities and possibilities.

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