tips solo travel
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9 Ultimate Tips for Solo Travel to Stay Safe and Comfy

These days, solo traveling has been a popular trend as people can leisurely enjoy alone time and get rid of their boredom without being bothered by anyone else. 

However, you need to prepare everything thoroughly before going on a solo trip. So, what are the tips for solo travel and staying safe?

Read the following article to find out how to fully enjoy solo traveling and even meet people on the way while solo traveling.

Tips for Solo Travel to Stay Safe and Comfy

If you are planning about going on solo travel, preparation is the key to your success. Therefore, below are some tips for solo travel that might help you get prepared. 

1. Make an Itinerary

The first tip for solo travel is to prepare an itinerary. It is a schedule of events relating to your trip from the destination, transportation, and specified time-spent duration in each place.

This is very crucial, especially if you travel alone as it will help you a lot to decide what to do and where to go.

Besides, making an itinerary also helps you plan your budget while you are traveling solo.

2. Bring Self-Defense Tools for Safety

While you might fully prepare your outfits and accessories for travel, it must also include a set of self-defense tools for your safety, especially if you are going for solo travel.

There are some self-defense tools you need to carry while traveling, such as a personal alarm, pepper spray, and self-defense keychain. 

That way, although you can’t some art of self-defense, carrying these things would surely give you some comfort.

3. Don’t Overpack!

If your goal is to travel alone on your own, try to bring just enough basic necessities that you will need on the way. 

Don’t overpack as you will carry all of those bags on your own. Bring only the essentials, plan different outfits using the same pieces, and just bring enough pairs of shoes. 

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4. Bring a Mini First-Aid Kit

The next important tip for solo travel is to have a mini first-aid kit in your bag. Well, it doesn’t take much space as others, so remember to always bring it.

Some first-aid kit includes allergy meds, ban-aids, anti-itch spray, antibacterial cream, bug spray, pain relievers, and many more.

It’s not a good experience to get sick when you are traveling alone in a place of nowhere. Therefore, try to be prepared.

5. Keep Emergency Numbers

To further anticipate emergency situations, you need to write down some emergency numbers on your phone and a piece of paper.

You can write your family number, nearby police station, hospital, fire, accommodation, and others.

6. Don’t Hesitate to Ask or Mingle with Locals

Getting lost is also part of traveling but it wouldn’t be so much fun if you get lost alone for a long time.

If you experience that situation, don’t ever hesitate to ask people around you. Or else, you can also mingle with the locals in case you feel lonely.

7. Do Research on Your Transportation and Accommodation

Research is like the heart of preparing for your solo travel as it covers everything from the destination, accommodation, food, and even your budget.

For that, you need to do research about your accommodation and transportation. You need to make sure the place has good reviews. 

After that, understand the route to reach your destination or accommodation. Try to research how you can go to a certain place, by bus or local transportation.

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8. Bring a Power Bank

Running out of battery while traveling alone can certainly ruin every plan you’ve made as you can’t use your GPS, notify your family, or even capture interesting moments.

Therefore, a power bank is one of the essentials you need to carry for solo travel. That way, you don’t need to worry about running out of your smartphone battery.

9. Use Social Map Jagat for Safety Reasons

Last but not least, another tip for solo travel is to use Social Map by Jagat for safety reasons. It is a feature that allows you to notify your friends and family about your real-time location. 

Moreover, it also allows you to send messages in an engaging way with interactive emojis or share moments during your travel using NOW. It’s like a complete package to accompany your solo travel.

Those are a number of tips for solo travel that you can follow to give yourself relaxation and leisure time to be alone.

Following the tips above would help you to elevate your solo travel experience while also keeping yourself safe while traveling.

Therefore, we recommend using Social Map by Jagat as a handy companion for your solo travel. It allows you to update your family and friends about your location.

So, enhance your solo travel experience by having Jagat on your phone. Download the app on App Store or Google Play Store now!

Read also: How to Find Buddies When Traveling Solo for Eid Homecoming

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