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8 Safe and Comfortable Tips for Eid Homecoming

Eid homecoming is around the corner and before that, it’s important to prepare everything for a safe and comfortable trip. So, what are the tips for Eid homecoming?

Most people have a long journey to their hometown and, therefore, it’s crucial to prepare in advance. 

One of the tips that you can try for the upcoming Eid homecoming is to download Jagat app to track locations using the Social Map feature.

Do you want to know what other tips for Eid homecoming you should prepare? Find out the answers below! 

Tips for a Safe and Comfortable Eid Homecoming

There are several tips you can do for an exciting and comfy Eid homecoming, such as ensuring you are in the best health condition, bringing enough food, to using Social Map Jagat app to track location.

1. Stay Healthy

To avoid unpleasant things happening during the Eid homecoming, you need to keep your body fit.

For that reason, you can start drinking enough water at night to stay hydrated during the day while fasting, eat healthy food, have regular exercise, and take enough rest.

In addition, you can also bring your personal medicines and supplements for safety during the trip.

2. Check Your Vehicle’s Documents

The next tip for Eid homecoming is to check all important documents for your vehicle, such as your driver’s license, proof of insurance, and vehicle registration.

It’s important to check about the document’s expiration date as well and make sure that the documents are still valid until the day you are going to your hometown.

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3. Check Your Vehicle

One of the most important things to check before going for Eid homecoming is to check your vehicle’s condition.

Rather than checking it by yourself, it’s best to bring your vehicle to the authorized auto repair shop. 

The worker will check every part of your vehicle and make sure everything works normally. That way, you also know if there are any problems and fix them immediately.

To further anticipate unwanted situations during the trip, you also need to bring some emergency tools, such as a car jack, spare tire, flashlight, and others.

4. Bring Enough Food and Drinks

If you have a long trip for Eid homecoming, make sure you bring enough food for the whole journey. 

The tip is to bring enough food that can be easily consumed on the road. Also, try to bring food that can last longer, such as canned foods, cakes, or snacks. 

That way, you don’t need to worry about being hungry while you are far away from any restaurants or food shops and even when stuck in a traffic jam.

5. Take a Rest When Tired

Do you know that driving while your body is tired can make you less able to pay attention to the road? 

That can lead to a fatal cause, especially traffic accidents as drowsiness can slow your reaction time.

Therefore, if you feel tired after a long drive, don’t ever hesitate to take a rest and recharge your energy.

6. Wear Comfortable Clothes

Going for Eid homecoming is mostly a long drive that requires you to be inside your car or exposed to sunlight for a long time.

To cope with that situation, wear comfortable clothes, especially ones that can easily absorb sweat, such as cotton t-shirts or jerseys.

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7. Bring Enough Cash

Although digital payment is now in trend, it is still important to bring enough cash during Eid homecoming. 

Bring enough cash in an appropriate amount as it is also dangerous to bring much money during Eid homecoming.

8. Use Social Map Jagat App to Track Real-Time Location

Last but not least, the tip for a safe and comfortable Eid homecoming is to use the Social Map feature of Jagat app.

Social Map is a feature that allows users to track and point to an exact location in real time. 

It works pretty well and easily as all you need to do is download the app for your smartphone on App Store or Google Play Store for free!

After downloading the app, create an account and design your avatar as you wish. The Social Map can be accessed by clicking on the map icon in the bottom left corner.

Later, you can use the Social Map to track real-time locations marked by the users’ avatars on the map.

Moreover, you can also share fun moments during the trip with other users by uploading a photo on NOW.

Those are a number of tips for a safe and comfortable Eid homecoming. Having Jagat app on your smartphone would be a handy thing for you to track location.

Further, it will be more useful if you have a location tracking app if your other families are also on the way. 

So, prepare yourself for a happy, safe, and sound Eid homecoming by downloading Jagat app on Google Play Store or App Store now!

Read also: 7 Online Things to Do While Waiting for Iftar in A Fun Way

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