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7 Essential Remote Working Tips to Boost Productivity

There isn’t really a standardized formula to help you always be productive while remote working. In fact, people have their own challenges. So, are there any remote working tips to follow?

Frankly speaking, yes! Whether you are a veteran or just trying to figure out how to make the most from remote working, there are still some essential tips you can follow. 

One of them is to keep in touch and stay connected with colleagues. For that, you can use the Jagat app to have fun virtual interactions together from the in-app message to the social map feature.

In this article, we’ve put together some remote working tips to help you perform the most no matter where you are.

Remote Working Tips to Keep You Productive

What does remote working mean? It refers to working arrangements that allow employees to work from remote locations. 

In other words, they can work outside of a traditional office environment, such as their home, cafe, or anywhere else.

Ever since the pandemic of Covid-19, many people started working from home as the company started to implement the procedure.

However, most people didn’t truly have time to prepare or think about remote working tips to transition workflows, teams, and cultures.

Therefore, a list of issues arises from a matter of productivity to how to create boundaries between work and personal life. 

Some people have learned and found new ways ever since. Yet, if you are still struggling to figure out those issues, below are several essential remote working tips for a better and more productive remote work life.

1. Get the Right Tools and Equipment

The first remote working tip is to get yourself the right tools and equipment. It will help you boost your productivity. 

Some software you can use for that is,

  • A chatting app with comprehensive features to communicate with colleagues.
  • To-do list app to help you sort in and prioritize tasks.
  • Alarm or calendar to remind you about deadlines or prioritized tasks.

In many cases, a company would decide which app is best for its employees and cultures. That way, everyone would use the same app to make coordination or create reports easier.

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2. Set Up a Comfy Working Space

Before getting started, creating your home-office setup is the next important tip for remote working from home. You should make it as comfy as possible.

If you are living with other family or friends, you need to tell them about your working hours. Design a clean space with minimal distractions.

After that, you also need to schedule your uninterrupted time to help you focus on work and increase your productivity.

3. Show Up for Discussions

In remote working, you certainly still need to join some video conferences for reports or team coordination.

For that, you need to show your participation as a way to be seen and contribute to your team. Be sure to speak your mind if you have good opinions.

In addition, as it is easy to miss out on some important messages while working remotely, it’s important to regularly check your chatting app. That way, you won’t miss some crucial text from colleagues.

4. Set the Deadline

An essential remote working tip from home also includes your strategy for managing your deadlines. We can all agree that flexibility is part of remote working but you must make sure everything goes on schedule. 

You can set a deadline by prioritizing which task is more important and need to be done in the near future using apps.

5. Discover Your Work Style

Before figuring out how to work remotely, you need to first know how to work. The different environments might need a different approach.

Therefore, try to set up clear workflows to ensure your productivity and make your work effective.

For example, you can decide your workflows based on these simple things:

  • Decide which task that should be done immediately
  • Decide which task to do next
  • Understand the expected results 

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6. Build Trust with Colleagues

Gaining trust from your colleagues is also part of essential remote working tips. It doesn’t matter although you work in separate places, you need to build a good relationship with them.

That would be useful to help you create a comfy online working environment while also optimizing your work results.

You can do that by giving appropriate compliments to them and being responsible for any task you are working on.

7. Use Jagat to Socialize with Colleagues

To help you with having a good relationship with colleagues, you can use Jagat to socialize with them in a fun and engaging way.

Jagat offers an interesting feature that allows you to track locations while working remotely. That way, you know where your friends are going. 

Additionally, Jagat also allows users to have a fun chat using an in-app message feature. It would be a fun place for you and your colleagues to have a convo or discuss something. 

Above all else, finding which one works best for you is far more important. As mentioned previously, there is no single formula for everyone. 

It would be more helpful if you ask for some suggestions from people who are in the same boat as you. 

Regardless, you can use Jagat app as a good and engaging remote working tip to have fun with colleagues while also doing your work effectively. 

That’s because Jagat offers various interesting features to socialize virtually with your colleagues, such as tracking real-time locations, chatting, and sharing interesting moments while working remotely using NOW.

So, what are you waiting for? Download the app for your smartphone on App Store or Google Play Store and invite your colleagues to enjoy it together!

Read also: How to Schedule Meeting in in A Practical Way

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