is my partner cheating
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Is My Partner Cheating? Find Out the Truth in 4 Simple Ways

There are many challenges in a relationship but many would agree that the worst pain is when your partner is cheating on you. The feeling of being suspicious, fearful, and worried, and the question of “Is my partner cheating?” keeps lingering in your head. 

The signs of cheating might be subtle but you can’t resist that you have that kind of feeling when your partner acts differently. So, how do you tell if your partner is cheating?

Tracking your partner’s location could be the obvious way to do that as you can tell when your partner is lying. It works effectively, especially if you are in a long-distance relationship

However, before you tell your partner and ask them to admit if they are cheating, you need to know whether your concern is valid. So, whether it’s still a fleeting concern or you are already sure that your partner is having an affair, the article below would tell you how to spot the signs.

Signs Your Partner Might Be Cheating

No matter how subtle the signs of cheating are, there are still some differences that might indicate that behavior. 

Below are some of the unusual signs of cheating you need to know.

1. Refuse to Show Intimacy in Public

Do you know that someone who has an affair tends to be secretive and avoid talking with their partner? They simply act in a passive-aggressive manner and even refuse to answer your questions. 

Moreover, they will appear less romantic to you to the extent that they refuse to show intimacy in public or on social media. 

If you notice this change of behavior, you need to pay attention to this as it might be a sign that your partner hides something from you.

2. Mostly Unreachable

It is natural in a relationship when you or your partner wants space or some time to be alone, but if it went too much, there should be something suspicious about it. 

When your partner is cheating, there is a tendency for them to pull away emotionally and physically from you. 

Therefore, if you feel something changes and it gets so difficult to reach your partner, your gut feeling might tell you the right thing.

3. Refuse to Take You on a Date

It’s never too busy when it comes to a priority. The same also goes for a relationship, meaning that your partner would make time for you no matter how busy they are. 

Therefore, if your partner suddenly refuses to go out with you several times while they used to be excited, there must be something wrong with it. 

So, if you ask, “Is my partner cheating?”, well the probability is high here.

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4. Tend to be Hostile Toward You and Your Relationship

Cheaters tend to put the blame on others while rationalizing their own behavior for having an affair. Their reasons are often ridiculous, such as their partners aren’t as attractive as before or they don’t excite them anymore. 

Therefore, cheaters would simply be annoyed by simple things and try to push away their partners. If you suddenly feel your partner is short-tempered about anything you did, there might be an indication your partner is cheating. 

5. Improved Appearance

This might be a silly sign but a partner who suddenly pays much attention to appearance can be a sign of cheating.

For example, your partner is suddenly interested in going to the gym, having a healthy diet, or wearing different styles of clothing. 

While it might be a good thing for some reasons, it can also be an indication that they try to attract and appear more attractive to someone else.

How to Tell If Your Partner Might Be Cheating

It’s never the truth until you have proof before accusing someone of cheating. Therefore, you need to do some things to make it valid. 

Below are some suggestions you can follow to tell if your partner is cheating.

1. Observe Your Partner

The first obvious thing you should do is observe your partner. Try to look closer at what has changed and if there is something off about your relationship. 

Sometimes, your gut feeling says something that might be true or false. Therefore, you need to prove it. 

You can use some signs as mentioned above to see if there is something wrong with your partner. 

Checking your partner’s phone might annoy their privacy but you can just bluff them. If they react nervously and worried, there might be something hidden in their phone.

2. Check Their Most Frequently Contacted Numbers

The next thing to do to answer your question “Is my partner cheating?” is checking on their phone. 

You can look through their call history and archive chat to see who they’ve been in touch with most recently, except you or your family.

If you find something suspicious, don’t hesitate to confirm and ask your partner about the truth.

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3. Give a Sudden Visit

There’s nothing better than giving a surprise, including when you want to prove that your partner isn’t cheating.

A sudden visit might make cheaters nervous as they might be in their affairs at that time.

4. Track Your Partner Location Using Social Map Jagat

Looking for a more practical and easy solution? A tracker app is an answer to your problem, especially if you are in a long-distance relationship.

For that, you can use the Social Map by Jagat to track your partner’s location in real time. Moreover, it will also give you information about battery percentage, moving speed, and time-spent duration. 

You don’t need to worry about data privacy as Jagat only uses the data for sharing your location with connected friends. 

So, those are a number of tips and cheating signs you need to know. Using a tracker app would be a convenient way to tell whether your partner is cheating or not. 

You can try using Jagat as a location tracker app with interesting features and an engaging interface. 

So, is your partner cheating? Well, if you have that kind of feeling, this might be the time to prove the truth using Social Map Jagat.

You can download the app on Google Play Store or App Store now!

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