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How to Take Selfie Like an Expert: 12 Proven Techniques

Are you frustrated with your selfie photos turning out disappointing even after you’ve put effort into grooming yourself? 

If you’ve experienced this, give the method of taking a good selfie a try to achieve aesthetically pleasing results.

For instance, selecting a suitable background can help draw attention to your face without distractions from objects behind you.

This technique is suitable when you’re going out alone, whether indoors or outdoors. Gain a comprehensive understanding of how to take a selfie here!

12 Techniques on How to Take Good Selfie Like an Expert

Wondering how to capture celebrity-style selfies with an aesthetic touch? Don’t fret! Here are some techniques you can employ:

1. Harness the Power of Sunlight

Lighting plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality of your selfies. To leverage this, make sure not to have your back facing the sunlight while taking photos. 

By following this tip, your pictures can appear brighter, smoother, and even give your skin a radiant glow.

2. Opt for the Perfect Photo Background

As the main subject of your selfies, it’s essential to choose a suitable background that compliments your appearance. 

Avoid busy or flashy backgrounds that may detract from your presence in the photo. 

Instead, opt for backgrounds that align with the theme of your selfie, ensuring that they enhance the overall result.

3. Adjust the Camera Focus

To simplify the process, we often rely on the autofocus feature of our smartphone cameras. However, this can sometimes lead to blurry photos. 

A solution to this is manually adjusting the camera focus by tapping on the face on the screen. By doing so, the camera will focus on that specific area, resulting in clearer images.

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4. Use Natural Expression

When taking selfies, it’s important to maintain a natural and genuine expression. 

For instance, you can smile genuinely at the camera or even pretend to laugh while ensuring it appears natural rather than forced.

5. Utilize Filters

To enhance your selfie photos, take advantage of the built-in camera features, such as filters. Choose a filter that aligns with the desired concept of your selfie to enhance the overall result. 

However, be cautious not to overuse filters, as excessive editing can make the photo look unnatural.

6. Adjust the Lighting

When you take a selfie indoors, such as in rooms or cafes, it’s crucial to ensure adequate lighting. 

Observe the lighting conditions in the surroundings, whether they are bright or dim. If you feel the lighting is insufficient, try moving to a brighter area. 

Additionally, you can manually adjust the lighting by increasing the contrast while capturing photos.

7. Capture from the Right Angle

Another effective technique to take good selfies is to find the right angle. Take some time to determine your best photo angle. 

Consider which angle highlights your features the most. Is it from the right side or the left side of your face?  Once you identify your ideal angle, capture selfies accordingly to get satisfying results.

8. Use Properties

To infuse creativity and avoid monotony, consider using props while taking selfies. 

You can add various props like flower vases or other items that contribute to an aesthetic impression. Interacting with these props can add vibrancy to your photos. 

For instance, hold a flower vase or lift a bottle to create an engaging and dynamic composition.

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9. Choose a Cool Selfie Pose

Explore different poses that can make you look even cooler. You can try posing with your chin up, experimenting with mirror selfies, going for a candid look by pretending not to see the camera or exploring other creative poses. 

If you need selfie post ideas, you can check out celebrities’ Instagram accounts you follow and choose trending poses to elevate the quality of your selfies.

10. Maintain an Optimal Distance

An essential trick to take a selfie is to avoid positioning the camera too close to your face. This ensures a balanced composition and prevents your face from appearing larger. 

By positioning the camera slightly farther away, you can capture more elements in the frame, resulting in a visually pleasing composition.

11. Utilize Additional Lighting

In addition to natural lighting, you can enhance your selfies by using additional lighting, especially indoors. Using extra lighting not only brightens up the photo but also helps create a flawless makeup appearance.

12. Leverage Camera Features

Don’t overlook the powerful features of your smartphone’s camera. Take advantage of functionalities like adjusting the ISO or enabling HDR settings to assist the camera in adjusting the exposure. 

By utilizing these camera features effectively, you can optimize the quality of your selfie photos.

Therefore, you can ensure that phone cameras function at their best and deliver excellent photos without the need for manual adjustments. 

That’s 12 techniques on how to take a selfie like an expert. Easy, isn’t it?

The important thing is to always be mindful of the lighting, camera focus, angles, background, and choosing the right pose. 

Once you achieve good results, you can upload your selfies to the Jagat Social Map. 

Additionally, you can use these photos as your profile picture on your Jagat account to make it more appealing. 

Give it a try by downloading the Jagat application from the App Store or Play Store and explore its features.

Read also: 9 Ultimate Tips for Solo Travel to Stay Safe and Comfy

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