how to stay safe on the bus
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8 Tips on How to Stay Safe on the Bus and Feel Comfortable

If you’re planning to travel alone, taking a bus might be a good option. However, before you do that, it’s a good idea to find out some tips on how to stay safe on the bus alone.

Some of the tips you should know include finding out the name of the bus company and installing a tracking app. 

Not only will these tips make your trip safer, but they’ll also help you stay comfortable while traveling alone.

8 Tips on How to Stay Safe on the Bus

Are you worried and afraid to ride the bus alone? Don’t worry, now you can make your solo bus rides more comfortable by following the tips on how to stay safe on the bus below:

1. Know the Bus Company

To avoid confusion and making the wrong choice, it’s a good idea to find out first which buses will take you to your destination. 

There are many bus companies that provide services, so it’s important to do some research. It’s especially important to also note the time of departure.

Also, don’t forget to check the reviews of the buses and choose the one with the best feedback, so that your journey is safe and comfortable.

2. Pack Light

The next important tip is to avoid carrying excessive luggage as it might be inconvenient to you and other passengers when you have to move around.

Bring only the essentials that would you need during the trip, such as enough cash, a first-aid kit, and clothes.  

3. Don’t Look Confused

Usually, appearing confused in public tends to invite others to approach you. Well, it would be good if they are nice people, but what if it’s the opposite? It could be dangerous.

Therefore, it’s important to do some research prior to your bus ride so that you will be fully prepared.

Read also: Going Home Alone? Follow These 8 Tips to Stay Safe

4. Know Your Destination

Another important tip on how to stay safe on the bus is to know where your destination is. Make sure you’re not taking the wrong bus.

It would be such a problem if you do. Try to ask the driver if the bus is going to your destination. Don’t be shy to ask for directions if you need them or else you’ll get lost.

5. Talk to Other Passengers

Generally, bus passenger seats consist of two or three benches. Well, if you ride the bus alone, you’ll probably end up sitting next to a stranger.

In moments like this, make the most of it by getting to know and mingle with the passengers next to you.

6. Choose a Comfortable Seat

Do you know that choosing your seat on the bus is also important? Yup, it’s something worth considering to stay safe on the bus because it’s related to your comfort during the journey.

If you want to enjoy the view while on the road, you might want a front seat or window seat. But if you prefer sitting at the back, avoid the seats right above the wheels to minimize the impact of bumps.

Otherwise, if you have a bit more budget, you can opt for a bus with sleeper seats for a more comfortable journey.

7. Stay Alert

The most important tip to stay safe on the bus is to always keep yourself on alert and not be careless about your surroundings.

Even though you might have made friends with a passenger next to you, it doesn’t mean you can let your guard down. 

Try to always pay attention to your surroundings and make sure not to leave your belongings unattended.

8. Use Social Map Jagat as a Location-Tracking App

Last but not least is to install a location-tracking app on your smartphone to stay safe on the bus alone. 

For that, we suggest using the Social Map by Jagat app which allows you to share your real-time location with friends and family.

That way, they can ensure your safety. Moreover, they can also know your moving speed and time-spent duration. 

In other words, your family or friends can know if you’re not moving for such a long time in one spot. 

So, those are some tips on how to stay safe on the bus. First and foremost, always stay alert and aware of your surroundings, and try not to look confused or lost. Such behavior can make you a target for scams or other crimes.

Another important tip is to install a location-tracking application like Social Map Jagat. This way, your whereabouts can be monitored in real time by your family or close friends.

Always remember that it’s essential to prioritize your safety and well-being while traveling alone. Therefore, download Jagat on App Store or Play Store to ensure your safety while traveling.

Read also: 7 Easy Tips to Remember on How to Stay Safe in Uber

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