how to plan a surprise birthday party
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7 Epic Ways to Plan Surprise Birthday Party You Won’t Forget

Planning a surprise birthday party for a friend is one way to establish good relations with others.

Your friend will definitely be happy if someone else remembers and even takes the time to throw a surprise birthday party for them.

So, for those of you who want to plan a surprise birthday party for your friend, here are the steps and strategies to take. Read thoroughly!

7 Ways to Plan a Surprise Birthday Party

Planning a birthday party may sound easy because it is so common for people to do it.

But actually, it takes some preparation so that the surprise party will impress the birthday person’s mind.

So, for those of you who want to plan a surprise party for your friend’s birthday, follow these steps!

1. Do Research

To make the surprise party more relatable to a friend’s birthday, the first thing to do is do some research.

Take a moment to ponder: What are their favorites? What hobbies do they enjoy? Is there a particular artist or movie they adore? Compile a list of your friend’s preferences.

Next, select one item from their favorites that appears fitting to serve as the theme for the birthday party.  Consider the things they hold dear, as this will undoubtedly bring them joy if the party revolves around that particular theme.

2. Determine the Theme and Location of the Party

Once you have considered your friend’s birthday preferences, you can proceed to decide on the theme and location for the birthday party.

Tailor the theme of the party based on your friend’s birthday wishlist. For instance, if your friend is a fan of a particular Korean idol, you can plan a surprise birthday party incorporating elements related to that idol, such as decorations or playing their songs.

After determining the theme, select a suitable location. Opt for a venue that can be decorated in accordance with your plans. Alternatively, choose a location that holds significance for your friend and aligns with their interests.

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3. Arrange the Party Menu

An essential aspect of birthday party ideas is considering the food options. Will it be a traditional birthday cake, cupcakes, or perhaps something more unique like pizza?

As a helpful suggestion, align the dishes with the theme of the birthday party. Additionally, take into account your friend’s preferred birthday foods to make the menu even more special.

4. Create S Guest List

Before deciding whom to invite to the party, take into consideration your friend’s personality. Do they prefer larger gatherings or more intimate ones with their closest circle? Once you have that in mind, you can begin creating the guest list.

When extending invitations, remember to communicate the concept of the event and provide instructions on how guests should maintain the element of surprise.

5. Decorate the Party Venue

Prior to the event, make a checklist of the decorations and supplies required for the surprise birthday party. Opt for decorations that align with your friend’s preferred theme and colors.

Once all the necessary items have been prepared, decorate the birthday party venue on the designated day before the surprise moment.

When decorating the venue, it’s important to manage your time effectively. Ensure that the decoration is finished before your friend arrives at the location.

If feasible, consider decorating the birthday party venue the day before to ensure thorough preparations.

6. Maintain Secrecy

It’s crucial to remember to keep the surprise party a secret, especially from your friend. Avoid any leaks or hints that could spoil the surprise. After all, the true essence of a surprise party lies in its unexpected nature.

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7. Track Friends’ Locations Through the Jagat Social Map Feature

The last strategy on how to plan a surprise birthday party is to use Jagat.

What is Jagat? Jagat is an application that has a Social Map feature. Well, this feature allows you to find your friend’s location.

The location on the social map feature will be shown in real-time and in detail, including when the person has moved.

This feature is perfect if you want to throw a birthday party for a friend. So, you can know the location before the surprise party starts.

If for example, your friend is close to the party venue, you can also get ready to give them a surprise. Additionally, you can utilize the Frozen location hiding feature to maintain secrecy. By using this feature, your friend will be unaware of your whereabouts.

When it comes to the surprise party, what better way to make it unforgettable than by capturing the moments? Jagat has a feature called “NOW” to assist you.

With the NOW feature, you can update your activities and share those precious moments with others. It adds an exciting element to the celebration, doesn’t it?

So, there you have it—seven ways to plan a surprise birthday party for your friend. Are you eager to surprise your friends? If so, Jagat Social Map feature will be immensely helpful. 

Knowing your friend’s location will enable smoother execution of the surprise plans. Moreover, to make the occasion even more memorable, you can document the surprise and share updates using NOW.

Let’s start planning a remarkable surprise party by downloading the Jagat application from the Google Play Store or App Store right away!

Read also: Simple Tips for Location Sharing Using Various Apps

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