how to make relationship lasts
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How to Make Relationship Lasts Forever: 8 Secret Tips

Keeping an intimate relationship healthy, supportive, healthy, and together isn’t easy, indeed but it can be done. So, how to make a relationship last forever, especially for those who have a long-distance relationship

Frankly speaking, nothing goes easy but as long as you and your partner stay together, things would be better. In fact, there are some tips you can follow for that. 

A lot of research has said that despite the varieties of relationships in the world, some tips remain the same, such as building trust with each other, being wise when faced with problems, respecting each other, and maintaining good communication.

Below are some suggestions to help you make your relationship last forever and strengthen your connection with your partner. 

How to Make Relationships Last and Healthy

Who doesn’t want a long-lasting and healthy relationship with the loved one? It’s definitely everyone’s dream, right?

Although we can’t expect a lovey-dovey love story every time, we can still expect a healthy and supportive relationship. 

Let’s find out the tips on how to make a relationship last for a long time.

1. Trust Each Other

The first tip on how to make a relationship last is to have trust in each other. Trust is like a foundation in your relationship. Without it, everything would fall apart.

To achieve that, try to be honest with each other and be open about what you are thinking about. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind but remember to offer solutions not only criticism.

2. Keep Your Promise

A promise is a next thing you need to keep after building trust. Try to fulfill your promise and if you can’t, tell them the reason why. 

Not only that it helps your partner builds trust in you but also a sense of being appreciated.

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3. Fight Fair

Every type of relationship would face an argument even the truest friendship ever. To keep the arguments from damaging your relationship, always try to be respectful.

Avoid blaming each other or giving harsh criticism as it might hurt you or your partner. Instead, try to find peace first, calm your ego, and make sure that each person has the chance to speak their mind. 

Taking a break is also a good thing to do if the argument gets too heated. But, make sure that you and your partner don’t avoid conflict. Moreover, if you are in the wrong position, admit your mistake and say sorry.

4. Keep Good Communication

As wise words said, communication is the key to maintaining a social relationship, including with your partner. 

Therefore, if you want to make a relationship last forever, it’s important to keep good communication with your partner.

For example, you tell your partner if you are still busy at work and wouldn’t be available for a while.

That way, your partner can understand the reason you are out of reach at that certain moment.

5. Be Affectionate and Romantic

Everyone would agree that this is a crucial aspect of a relationship, right? It’s pretty easy as simple as saying “I love you” to her or him. 

You can also send some gifts to your partner. It doesn’t need to be a big or expensive one, a flower or chocolate would do the work as the point is to show your partner that you care about each other.

6. Keep It Exciting

It’s natural when you feel bored with the same routine done with your partner. But, do you remember how exciting it was when your relationship just started?

It was a great time, right? So, basically, it’s about the activity, not the person you are with. Therefore, try to do something new with your partner.

For example, you can play some fun games or share dad jokes, cheesy ones but enough to make you both share laughs together.

The point is to take yourself back to falling in love again with your partner. Don’t forget the power of holding hands. Keep your relationship new and the passion alive every day.

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7. Spend Quality Time Together

Although you and your partner are quite occupied with each other’s work, you still need to make time with your partner.

This is a crucial thing to maintain as it keeps your relationship sparked and alive. It doesn’t need to be a holiday, a simple date on a movie would be a good one.

8. Use Social Map Jagat

The last tip to make a relationship last forever is to use Jagat app to know each other’s locations. 

Jagat comes with the Social Map feature that allows you to know where your partner is, especially if you are in a long-distance relationship.

You can track each other’s locations in real-time along with other information, such as battery percentage, moving speed, and time-spent duration.

Moreover, you can use NOW to share memorable moments with your partner. That way, you can still be in touch with him or her.

So, those are some secret tips you need to follow in order to make a relationship last. Following those suggestions can help you improve the quality of your relationship.

In addition, if you want to create some new sparks in your relationship, it’s a good idea to use Jagat on your smartphone.

The Social Map feature on this app allows you to track the real-time locations of your friends, families, and partner easily. 

You can download the app on Google Play Store or App Store for free now!

Read also: 30 Witty Poems to Perk Up Your Day Exploring

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