how to make online friends
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5 Ways in How to Make Online Friends in Easily

As a metaverse-based social media, makes a great place to have a virtual interaction, including finding a new friend. So, how to make online friends on

In this social media, you can interact more than just using a chat but also a virtual experience, such as hanging out in Ibu Kota Nusantara. 

To further explore the tips on how to make online friends in, read the article below!

How to Make Online Friends in

Making online friends might not be everyone’s preference as there are certain hurdles to face when we can’t meet someone new in person. 

In addition, it’s also quite difficult to decide where we can make online friends safely.

Using as a platform to make online friends might be a great new idea to start with. There are several unique features to help and make it more fun.

So, how exactly to make online friends on Let’s find out the answer below to answer your curiosity.

1. Say Hi to Others at Plaze Bhinneka

Plaza Bhinneka is one of the most popular places in to hang out with friends or just gather around in a community. 

That said, it would be a perfect place to find new friends to talk to. They mostly welcome everyone. 

All you need to do is just activate your microphone and greet them. You can casually ask what they are doing or naturally follow the conversation.

2. Join a Public Space

Other than Plaze Bhinneka, public space is also a recommended place to make online friends. You can find a list of public spaces on the Discover Page. 

Public Space is a personal room owned by a user and is mostly used as a stopover place or online community event venue.

Regardless, it’s always a great idea to join one or two public spaces at first and then meet new friends there.

Read more: Introducing What is Upals in to Find New Friends

3. Play Drifting Bottle

Are you familiar with a Drifting Bottle feature while playing If not, this feature is also a great way to make online friends. 

Drifting Bottle is a feature that allows users to throw or pick a bottle consisting of a message at the kind of a river. 

In that message, a user can write anything, such as a greeting card then throw it at the river. Someone might find your bottle and reply to the message. 

If you want to play Drifting Bottle, you can find it at Plaza Bhinneka, Simpang Bunder, and Utown.

4. Live Streaming

The next tip on how to make online friends in is using a Live Streaming feature. It allows you to make a video in real-time. 

Having live streaming might attract attention, invite others to gather, and then have a virtual interaction together. 

That way, you can say hi to those who join your live streaming and have a fun virtual experience. 

5. Use In-App Message Feature

Last but not least, you can use the In-App Message feature in to make online friends and send messages to them.

The feature works similarly to other chatting apps where you can send text and share images on the chat. 

The In-App Message feature is available inside the notification tab with a bell symbol at the bottom of your screen. After that, click on the Upal icon to start messaging someone.

Read more: 2 Ways to Change Location in + Popular Places

Tips to Have an Engaging Talk with New Friends

Now that you know how to make online friends in, you might wonder how to actually build an engaging conversation with a new friend. 

Worry no more! You can try the following tips and have a great and meaningful conversation with new friends. 

1. Mak an Interesting Topic

To avoid an awkward situation or boredom, you can build an interesting topic to talk about. You can start with a simple one, such as their routine or hobbies. 

As time goes on, you can continue talking about the current trends or issues on social media. It would be great if you have some similarities with them.

2. Break the Ice with Jokes

Breaking the ice can be tackled using some funny dad jokes. This is an important tip to build an engaging conversation with new people. 

You can ask for a battle of dad jokes that might interest your friends. Else, if you are talking to your crush, some witty poems might also work to enlighten the mood.

3. Give Compliments

Sharing compliments is also considered a good way to start a conversation with new friends. It could give a sign that you are paying attention to the,

You can start with a general one, such as “you have such a cool avatar”. Make sure to avoid using offensive words as a joke in a compliment.

Well, those are some tips on how to make online friends in that you can try later. As an interesting social media platform, offers something unique for its users. 

If you are interested in directly experiencing the features, download the app on App Store or Google Play Store now!

Read more:, A Social Media as A Fun Online Discussion Platform

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