how to get closer to crush
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How to Get Closer to Your Crush in 8 Strategic Moves

Are you looking for an online dating partner or trying to get close to someone? Either way, you need strategic moves to get close to your crush.

Having a crush could be the most pleasurable moment in life. You think about them all the time and there’s a strong desire to be close to this person. 

During this phase, you try to know more about them, their favorite food, and what they like to do. But, we can agree that getting closer to a crush can be tough.

So, how do you make the move? Find out how to get their attention and eventually have a relationship with them. Check this out!

How to Get Closer to Crush Using Handy Hacks

Getting closer to a crush needs you to take strategic moves so that you won’t embarrass yourself. 

On the other side, you also need to make the first step as someone might snatch them up before you do.

So, what exactly can you do to get closer to your crush? Below are some tips to get closer to your crush smoothly.

1. Initiate an Engaging Conversation

The first thing sounds easy but a crucial move to get you a smooth start. Try to build an engaging conversation with your crush by talking about interesting topics.

You can simply talk about the photos they uploaded this morning on social media or ask what they are up to recently.

Avoid a boring question, like “What are you doing?” as it has been so common everywhere. So, the tip is to be unique and fun.

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2. Find Common Interests

It’s natural to share each other’s preferences when it comes to talking with someone but you need to put that aside for a while.

Before you are into talking about your favorite things, try to ask your crush what they like first.  

That way, you might find some common interests to talk about. Having similar interests would bring you to a more fun and engaging conversation.

3.  Don’t Overreact

When it comes to getting closer to your crush, you need to present yourself elegantly and with poise. 

Don’t get overexcited when they start talking to you as it might make the situation awkward. So, keep yourself calm.

4. Respect Each Other’s Opinions

If you start receiving a good signal from your crush, try to maintain a good relationship with them. 

You can share opinions and discuss them but remember to always respect each other’s perspective.

For example, you talk about your favorite books or movies and turn out it is different from your crush’s preferences.

At that moment, you can still share why you like the movie or book without judging your crush’s preferences.

5. Have a Call

The next step you can do if everything goes well so far is to have a call with your crush. This makes a great way to get you closer to your crush.

Talking on the phone is indeed an effective way to start a relationship as you can talk about many things, even random topics.

6. Ask Them Out

Ready to move to a closer step? Ask them out for a date as talking on a chat might not be enough to get closer to your crush.

Meeting in person, only with your crush, can be considered a good signal that your crush opens the chance for you.

You can take them to places where you and your crush have similar interests in it, such as going to a museum or watching some music performances.

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7. Stalk Your Crush Using Social Map Jagat

To further increase the chance to get closer to your crush, you can use the Social Map by Jagat.

The feature allows you to know your crush’s location in real time. That way, you can track each others’ location.

Further, the feature offers additional information to users that would be a good use to get closer to your crush.

For example, you can indicate your crush’s battery percentage, time-spent duration, moving speed, and the distance between you and your crush.

No need to worry about privacy, you can turn on the Ghost mode feature to hide your real-time location. 

8. Share Moments Using NOW

The next feature on Jagat that would be helpful to get closer to your crush is NOW. It allows you to share interesting moments with other users.

It works the same as uploading photos on other social media platforms. That way, you can exchange each other’s moments here.

Additionally, Jagat also comes with an In-App Message feature to send messages on the app. 

Interestingly, the chat is more engaging with emoji features. It allows sending emojis to your crush with cute animation. Interesting, right?

Those are some simple tips you can use to get closer to your crush. It’s important to note that the point is to make your crush feels comfortable with you being around. 

For that, you can also use Jagat app as an interesting way to attract your crush’s attention. 

The app comes with various interesting features for fun virtual interactions, such as knowing each other’s locations and sharing moments on NOW.

So, what are you waiting for? Elevate your strategic moves to get closer to your crush using Jagat app. Download the app on Google Play Store or App Store now!

Read also: 30 Witty Poems to Perk Up Your Day Exploring

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