how to deepen friendships
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3 Best Ways on How to Deepen Friendships & Meet New People

In this modern world, growing a friendship isn’t only about meeting someone in person anymore but also having a virtual interaction. So, when you do have one online friend, how to deepen your friendship?

Having online friendships is fairly easier as you can communicate through online platforms, such as to stay in touch with them. is a social media platform with various features that allow users to meet new people, build communities, and have interesting conversations there.

Read the following article to know more about and how to deepen your friendship there.

How to Make New Friends Online

As of today, the mean of communication can also be done using online platforms, such as social media without actually needing to be present in the real world. 

Thanks to technological developments, you can feel the convenience that allows you to share stories and send messages easily. 

Therefore, try to use it as a way to grow and deepen your friendships as well as expand your networking. If you are still confused about how to make online new friends, try some of the following tips:

1. Join a Group Chat

The key to successfully grow online friendships is to meet new people first. For that, you can join a group chat in which you can talk to other people.

Usually, every social media platform provides a group chat feature to allow users to have an online gathering with their friends.

2. Engaging with Friends

The next tip on how to make online friends is to be actively involved in a conversation. Try to be a good listener and polite speaker at the same time. 

You can start by asking simple questions, following the discussion, or sharing jokes to enlighten the mood. But make sure to find an appropriate moment.

Besides, try to join a group discussion that matches your interest to help you be active during the conversation or discussion.

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3. Connect Through Social Media

Keeping in touch through social media is the best way to deepen your online friendships. For that, you can use to have fun virtual interactions together. is a metaverse-based social media with various interesting features to have a virtual hangout.

That said, you can enjoy the app with more than just chatting but also other exciting virtual activities, such as playing games, watching movies, or having karaoke.

How to Make Friends Online on

Generally speaking, the tips mentioned above are applicable throughout various social media platforms. But, here, we’re going to talk about how to deepen your friendship on 

1. Join a Community

First, join a community to interact with people who have similar interests as you. A club in is a useful way to easily find a community near your location.

So, how to join a community on You can use the Club Nearby on the Social Map to identify communities around your location or use an invitation code.

2. Be Friendly

Being friendly is also a good way to deepen your friendship in You can randomly say hi to some users you meet at Plaza Bhinneka or Simpang Bunder.

Untuk memulai pertemanan, kamu bisa aktif menyapa orang-orang yang sedang berada di Plaza Bhinneka atau tempat virtual lainnya. 

Plaza Bhinneka is one of the most popular places in where many users hang out to have fun with friends. 

In this place, you can also find other places, such as Street Show, City Hall, and Art Gallery. You can go to these places to enjoy other virtual activities. 

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3. Enter a Public Space

Visiting a public space is the next thing you can do to make friends online on Here, you can meet new people with diverse backgrounds who might have similar interests as you.

Frequently joining similar public spaces helps you easily find new friends. You can look at the list of public spaces on the Discover Page. 

4. Use In-App Message

The In-App message is a feature that allows you to talk in private with other users in You can use this feature when you are already close to that person.

Users can send messages, images, and even interesting emojis for a fun and engaging chat.

5. Use a Drifting Bottle

Meeting new friends on can also be done by using the Drifting Bottle feature. It is a feature that allows users to send messages, put them in the bottle, and throw them into the river. 

You can use Drifting Bottle to say hi or invite whoever will receive your message to meet in certain places in

Yup, similar to how throwing a message in a bottle works, you can’t decide who will receive the message. But, doesn’t it sound interesting?

Drifting Bottle in is available at two places which are the Plaza Bhinneka and Simpang Bunder.

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How to Deepen Friendships Online

In most cases, online friendships are quite fragile as the interaction only happens on virtual platforms. 

But worry no more as there are tips to deepen friendships online as listed below:

1. Have Interesting Topics

Online friendships would be boring without interesting topics to talk about. Therefore, you need to build an interesting conversation to keep the friendship going.

It doesn’t need to be a hard one, some random topics, current issues, or sharing jokes would be interesting to talk about.

2. Find Similar Interests

Next, the easiest way to deepen friendships online is to find similar interests between you and your friends.

It could be anything or even a weird one but the common ones are hobbies, favorite movies, or similar fields of interest.

3. Keep in Touch

The challenge of having online friendships is different daily routines. That might hinder you or your friends to stay in touch with each other.

As such, to deepen your friendship online, try to spare your time for a simple message, such as asking how was the day or anything else.

4. Give Supports

Last but not least, always give support to your online friends though you never meet them in person. A supportive friend is something valuable that people would cherish and hold on to.

So, those are some tips on how to deepen your friendship online, such as in It might be easier said than done but you can always try, right?

In, you can use various available features on the app with your friends. The diverse variety would bring you more exciting friendships.

So, download the app on Google Play Store or App Store now and enjoy having fun with friends there!

Read also: 7 Easy Tips to Get Coins in, Earn It Free!

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