how to advertise on
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3 Simple and Best Tips on How to Advertise in

As a metaverse-based social media, is also a potential place to advertise products or services in an anti-mainstream way and interesting. Moreover, the process of how to advertise on is fairly easy.

Creating a space is one of the easiest ways to promote your business. The space would exclusively appear on

Do you want to know more about how to advertise on Let’s find out the answer in the article below!

Why Advertising on is a metaverse-based social media that offers some virtual places designed to portray as if in the real world.

For that reason, is a great place to hang out and enjoy virtual experiences to the fullest, including business promotion.

So, why do you need to advertise on and what does this app offer? Let’s find out the answer below!

1. A Specific Community

The advantage of advertising on is the existence of online communities on this platform. That way, you can directly target your customers when placing ads on

For example, you own an online business that sells K-Pop Merchandise. You can start advertising your product to the K-Pop lovers community which is a lot in

Other than K-Pop, there are still other online communities you can target to promote your business in, such as cat lovers, anime lovers, book enthusiasts, and many more.

2. Increase Brand Awareness Easily

Technological advancements allow us to easily share stories on social media, such as This platform has been known as a place to share information. 

The fact that many people use social media is an advantage for businesses to promote their products or services on that platform. 

That way, improving brand awareness can be done more effectively and practically. So, are you interested in using to improve your brand awareness?

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3. Effectively Receive Feedback is a good choice to advertise your business due to the chance to have direct interaction with target customers. 

For that reason, you can effectively receive constructive feedback from them while also interacting with them on

Moreover, it doesn’t cost a lot of money to advertise your business on, and sometimes even for free! As such, you can also optimize your marketing budget for other promoting strategies.

How to Advertise on

If the explanation above interests you, below are the tips on how to advertise on

1. Create a Special Space

The first way to start advertising on is to create a special space designed for your promotion place. 

Space is a virtual place on that looks like a room and is used for various virtual interactions.

You need to contact the developer to have your business space appear on virtual maps. 

Sociolla is an example of a popular brand that places an advertisement on It is an e-commerce brand in Indonesia that sells cosmetic products.

You can find Sociolla space under the name Sociolla Beauty Verse. Although it is still under development, you can still visit the space and look at the location at Ibu Kota Nusantara.

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2. Make Promotion in Public Space

Still using space in, you can start promoting your business in by creating or joining a public space.

Public space has different exposure compared to the previous type. Rather than showing the space on the map of Ibu Kota Nusantara, public space will appear on Discover Page. 

A public space is considered easier to be found by users in general. Besides, you can create a public space on your own. 

To create a public space, go to the “Create Your Space” menu by clicking on the plus (+) at the Playground, or the first page appeared when you open the app.

After that, choose a space template that matches your business. For example, you can use Game Streaming Space if you own an online business game.

Next, set the space information, such as the cover, name, and privacy. In this case, you need to set the space in public, so it will appear on Discover Page. 

3. Conduct a Talk Show 

As mentioned before, the online communities on is a great thing to help you advertise on It’s worth a try!

For example, you can host an online talk show on for communities with the same field or interest as your business. 

Conducting a talk show on is fairly easy. Moreover, has a live-stream feature that allows users to have virtual meetings.

Those are some ways to advertise on that you can try to increase your business sales and attract customers. 

With all the conveniences and advantages provided by, you can develop your business effectively and efficiently.

So, what are you waiting for? Download the app on App Store or Google Play Store and promote your business on now!

Read also: What is An Influencer in Tips to Get Followers

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