how to find buddies when traveling solo
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How to Find Buddies When Traveling Solo for Eid Homecoming

We all agree that Eid al-Fitr is the best moment to go to our hometown, right? Some people need to go alone while others have companions. As having a companion would be more fun, so, how to find a buddy when traveling solo?

These days, finding a friend to be a travel companion isn’t that difficult anymore as there are applications to help you with that.

Besides, even if you need to go alone for Eid homecoming, there are some tips to have a safe and comfortable journey on the way, such as following health protocols, bringing enough supplies, and finding friends using Social Map Jagat.

Well, without further ado, let’s jump into the discussion in detail.

Safe and Comfortable Tips to Prepare for Eid Homecoming

Going alone to your hometown for the upcoming Eid homecoming? Worry no more, below are the things you need to prepare for a safe and comfortable trip.

1. Wear Comfy Clothes

The first tip to go alone for Eid homecoming is to make sure that you wear comfy clothes. 

Avoid using unnecessary accessories as they might attract some crimes. Besides, wearing too much could make you feel uncomfortable.

The best choice is to wear comfortable clothes that can absorb sweat so you don’t overheat easily while traveling.

2. Check Your Health

The next important thing to prepare before Eid homecoming is to check your health to avoid any unwanted situations on the way.

Try to do a thorough physical examination at the nearest hospital. If you are healthy enough to have a long trip then you are all set.

Moreover, you need to keep your body fit by consuming healthy foods, having a regular workout, and going to enough sleep. 

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3. Purchase the Ticket in Advance

If you decide to use online transportation for the upcoming Eid homecoming holiday, you are heavily recommended to buy the tickets in advance.

It’s really helpful to anticipate rising prices or even running out of tickets. Besides, buying tickets is now available online.

4. Check Weather Forecast

To get you fully prepared for being alone on the Eid homecoming trip, always check the weather forecast.

You can simply go through the internet to look at how the weather would be on D-day. 

Although the accuracy of weather forecasts might be low, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. 

5. Write Emergency Numbers

Another tip that you should remember before going alone for Eid homecoming is to write the emergency numbers.

Why does it matter? It’s important to note the numbers for emergency and safety reasons. 

You can write down the emergency numbers for police, ambulance, fire, and family. Write those numbers on a piece of paper and keep it in your wallet.

That way, in case your smartphone battery runs out, you can still contact someone in a critical situation.

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6. Find Buddy When Traveling Solo Using Social Map Jagat

If in the middle of your trip, you suddenly feel the need to have a companion, it’s always best to try looking for one.

For that, you can use the Jagat app to find other users near your location. Jagat is an app that allows you to find new friends using the Social Map feature.

You can go through the NOW timeline in which you can see shared moments from other users around your location. 

How to Find Buddy When Traveling Solo Using Social Map Jagat

As mentioned before, you can try finding friends to accompany your journey for Eid homecoming that might go the same way as yours.

For that, you can use the Jagat app as a solo travel buddy app and to look for new friends based on your current location. The Social Map on Jagat allows you to know your nearby friends. 

If you are interested to use the Social Map Jagat, you can follow the steps below:

  • Install Jagat app on your smartphone.
  • Create an account and design your avatar.
  • Go to the Social Map by clicking on the map icon at the left bottom corner.
  • The app will ask to access your location and click on the “always allow location access”
  • Before accessing the full feature, you need to upload a photo on NOW.
  • After that, you can see others’ shared moments on NOW as well as users near your location.
  • You can click on someone’s profile to add them to your friend list.

Those are some tips to prepare for a comfortable trip and a tutorial on how to find a buddy when traveling solo for Eid homecoming using Jagat app.

Thanks to the Social Map feature, Jagat helps users to track and find nearby users based on their locations.

So, what are you waiting for? Download the app on Google Play Store or App Store to make your trip more exciting.

Read also: 13 Conversation Topic Ideas to Spark Good Chat in

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