what is drifting bottle on jagat. io
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What is Drifting Bottle in Jagat.io? This is How It Works!

As metaverse-based social media, exploring Jagat.io is a fun activity to enjoy when you feel bored. It has many exciting features to play and one of them is the Drifting Bottle. So, what is Drifting Bottle in Jagat.io?

Drifting Bottle is a feature that allows users to throw or pick bottles from the river. It becomes one of the popular features to do in Jagat.io.

Do you want to know more about what is Drifting Bottle in Jagat.io? Find out the explanation here!

What is Drifting Bottle in Jagat.io?

Drifting Bottle in Jagat.io

Have you ever played Drifting Bottle in Jagat.io? If not, maybe you want to know more about this unique feature.

The feature allows users to play with bottles near the river. How does it work? You can choose whether to throw or pick a bottle.

So, it’s basically one of the two options that have different functions:

  • Release bottle: this allows you to throw a bottle at the river – first, you need to write a message and it can be anything, such as random thoughts or a greeting. After that, you put the message inside the bottle and throw it at the river.
  • Pick up a bottle: this choice lets you receive a bottle message from others and if you’re lucky, you might get coins. 

Where to Play Drifting Bottle in Jagat.io

To play Drifting Bottle, you need to go to the river in Jagat.io. You can play this feature at two places, which are the popular spots in Jagat.io, Plaza Bhinneka, and Simpang Bunder.

1. Plaza Bhinneka

Along with the increasing popularity of Drifting Bottle among the users, Drifting Bottle is also placed at Plaza Bhinneka. You will play the game at a pool located near the Clothing Store.

That way, it will easier for the user to play Drifting Bottle without being afraid of getting lost, especially for those who just started playing Jagat.io.

2. Simpang Bunder

The next place to play Drifting Bottle is at the Simpang Bunder which is also a popular place to hang out in Jagat.io.

A little bit different from the one at Plaza Bhinneka, the Drifting Bottle spot in this place is bigger that looks like a beach. 

That might also justify why the Drifting Bottle spot in Simpang Bunder is more crowded than in Plaza Bhinneka.

Why Should You Try Playing Drifting Bottle in Jagat.io?

The Drifting Bottle feature won’t be popular for no reason. In fact, it gives a unique virtual experience for the user, especially considering that Jagat.io is a social media.

There are some benefits to playing Drifting Bottle that we’ve listed below:

1. Interact with New People

Looking for an online companion to share and express your feelings? Well, you can use Drifting Bottle as a way to find a stranger to talk to in Jagat.io.

Drifting Bottle allows you to write a message, you can put your emotions only in 100 characters. After that, you can throw your bottle message to the river. 

Expressing your thoughts through Drifting Bottle might be a new and nice way to relieve your stress as well as show your deep emotion.

2. Send Messages to Others

Looking for a safe way to confess your feeling to someone? Drifting Bottle is a feature that you should try. It can be an anti-mainstream way to express your feeling toward someone.

Although the possibility that your crush would read the message, using Drifting Bottle to confess your feeling seems unique, right?

Don’t forget to write the receiver of your message and hope that your crush might find the message. Also, you can invite him/her to play Drifting Bottle together. 

Anyway, good luck!

Read more: Jagat.io as an Exciting Online Dating App for LDR Couple

3. Find New Friends

Find New Friends in Jagat.io

Drifting Bottle is also a great choice to find new friends online at Jagat.io. Many users use this feature to find a person that probably would find their message.

How does it work? When you choose to pick up a bottle, you might receive a message from others. You can click on the “Say hi” button to know more about the sender.

Later, you can continue the conversation through the In-App Message feature.

4. Collect Coins

Do you know that Drifting Bottle is also a hunting place to collect coins in Jagat.io? If you choose to pick up a bottle, there is a possibility that you find coins instead of messages.

The coins are called Acoin which is the currency in Jagat.io. You can use coins to buy some clothes or furniture and decorate your space. 

That sums up our article about what is Drifting Bottle in Jagat.io and hope it answers your question about this feature.

Drifting Bottle is indeed an interesting feature to enjoy while exploring the virtual space in Jagat.io. You can share your thoughts, complete a quest, and find new friends using this feature.

So, does this interest you to explore more features in Jagat.io? Download the app on  App Store or Google Play Store. Have fun playing Drifting Bottle in Jagat.io!

Read more: Exploring What is Metaverse, Virtual Reality in Jagat.io

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