golden rules of netiquette
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8 Golden Rules of Netiquette to Build A Good Communication

Interacting on online platforms becomes a daily routine that we can all enjoy in this digital era. Regardless, there are still the golden rules of netiquette that people should obey and follow.

So, what is a netiquette guideline? It is a combined word from the net and etiquette that refers to the rules of conduct for safe, appropriate, and respectful communication on the internet. 

For instance, people should be polite and use kind words while communicating with others online.

As such, rather than bringing up a sensitive or inappropriate topic to strangers, you can talk about others, such as sharing funny jokes.

To further understand what the golden rules of netiquette consist of, let’s go to the following sections for detailed information.

Why Netiquette Guideline Matters

Modern technology allows everyone to keep in touch with others using a social media platform. However, it would be such chaos if there isn’t any guidelines to follow.

Netiquette guidelines are a form of etiquette rules that describe how people should communicate and interact with others on the internet.

So, why does it matter and why should we obey the rules? There are several reasons that make netiquette important. 

  • Internet is very diverse and many people from different places can meet
  • There is a high possibility of understanding without the use of tones in communicating
  • Every content or activity on a digital platform is accessible to everyone
  • People can share anonymous information
  • Online communication is almost similar to how it works in a real-life

In a nutshell, netiquette guideline is important to avoid and resist any negative risks, such as cyberbullying, fraud, hack, and others.

Above all, following the netiquette guideline would create a healthy, safe, and comfortable online environment for everyone.

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Golden Rules of Netiquette

When interacting online, always remember the etiquette rules that you also follow in everyday life, such as being polite and kind to others.

Yup, you should also be polite to people in an online community or in social media. So, what are the rules of netiquette?

1. Be Wise in Sharing and Receiving Information

Online information is accessible to everyone so you should be careful in sharing or writing something online. Be wise in telling the information as not everything can be shared.

In addition, be careful to hoax and refrain from sharing false information or hate speech that would harm others. That said, you should also be critical when reading information. Don’t easily believe uncertain news!

2. Use Appropriate Language

You probably agree that impolite strangers make you feel uncomfortable. Therefore, you also need to behave somehow formally or appropriately even though it’s not a face-to-face interaction.

Every person might have a different reaction toward online strangers and the best way is to keep your language polite and appropriate.

3. Spread Positivity

With the huge amount of information circulating on the internet, it’s quite difficult to control the spread. You might have been familiar with how fast the information from the internet got to your hand.

Yet, you can still help spread positivity online by being critical while sharing information. Further, make sure to follow people who share positive and constructive content.  

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4. Respect Others

The next important netiquette rule that you should follow is respecting others, especially when they ask for some space, privacy, and a chance to share opinions.

This frequently happens when you are engaging in an online forum or other discussion platforms online.

5. Knowledge Sharing

Rather than talking about good-for-nothing things online, it’s way better to share knowledge with other online users. 

You can also share some insightful information through your social media accounts. That way, not only that you give a positive impact on yourself but also others.

6. Keep Everything Under Control

On social media, it’s probably common to see two people or groups of people get involved in a heated discussion or debate. 

Many refer to that phenomenon as flame wars in which people exchange angry and hate speech toward each other.

You definitely can avoid that by following the golden rules of netiquette. Don’t feed the flames as it would easily escalate to be worse. 

Instead, keep yourself calm and guide the discussion back in a more productive direction.

7. Present Your Best Side Online

Each social media platform is unique in its communication style. For that reason, you need to behave and present your online self accordingly.

Try to show your best side online based on how other users on that platform behave. Some say that it helps you better communicate with them instead of being an outsider.  

8. Avoid Personal Attack 

The most important point in the golden rule of netiquette is to refrain from saying something bad to a certain person personally.

Not only that it would make the situation feels awkward and uncomfortable, but following this rule would avoid you from violating online etiquette.

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Golden Rules of Netiquette on

Now that you have read the golden rules of netiquette, you can also apply them while exploring for a fun and comfortable experience.

Find out the detailed explanation of following the online etiquette rules below:

1. Use Kind Words While Communicating in In-App Message

The In-App Message feature on is one way to talk in private with others. For that, you need to be polite to the person you are communicating with.

Use kind words and avoid saying too personal things if you just know them online.

2. Share Positivity in A Space Discussion

In, you can use and create a space to hang out and have a discussion with friends or strangers you met online.

Try to spread positivity when you are in a discussion and control yourself from a heated conversation. That way, you can help create a peaceful situation.

3. Refrain from Insulting Others also allows users to have a private talk on the app by making a personal space. Only people with the invitation code can join.

But it doesn’t mean that you can abuse your power to talk bad about other users. Don’t do a personal attack as it might offend others and cause a war.

4. Give Positive Appreciation to Others

The next golden rule of netiquette is giving appreciation to others, especially when you see someone performs on the stage to showcase their talents.

You can give some compliments or give a live reaction, such as clapping.

5. Say Hi to Others Politely

While it might be quite awkward to suddenly say hi to a stranger on, you could still try that. 

For example, you see a group of people gather in a crowd. In, anyone can casually join a public gathering. 

That way, you can naturally join the conversation but make sure that you don’t interrupt someone while they are talking.

6. Respect Others Users in

Another point that should be considered as an important netiquette is respecting each other. You will meet diverse people while exploring, so try to be considerate. 

For example, listening to others’ opinions in a discussion forum held in the space or avoiding interruption.

Finally, those are soe golden rules of netiquette that you should know and apply while communicating online, including in 

Behaving appropriately in would also help you get many new friends easily. So, download the app now on App Store or Google Play Store and expand your network there!

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